Third Thursday Movie Matinee

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Program Description

Event Details

(Re)discover the oldies but goodies of classic Hollywood! A monthly screening followed by discussion. Showtime is at 10:00am every third Thursday. This month we’re watching Now, Voyager (1942).

Nervous spinster Charlotte Vale (Bette Davis) is stunted from growing up under the heel of her puritanical Boston Brahmin mother (Gladys Cooper), and remains convinced of her own unworthiness until a kindly psychiatrist (Claude Rains) gives her the confidence to venture out into the world on a South American cruise. Onboard, she finds her footing with the help of an unhappily married man (Paul Henreid). Their thwarted love affair may help Charlotte break free of her mother’s grip—but will she find fulfillment as well as independence? Made at the height of Davis’s reign as the queen of the women’s picture and bolstered by an Oscar-winning Max Steiner score, Now, Voyager is a melodrama for the ages, both a rapturous Hollywood romance and a poignant saga of self-discovery. 

Running time - 117 minutes

Registration is required to attend this IN PERSON event.

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